We are trained in and have practiced Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. We apply these principles to all our work to eliminate non-value-added efforts and to minimize process variation.
Dan Wortman
Helping your business reach its goals
The business world changes constantly. For companies to remain competitive, they need to be more nimble than ever. Let our company assist you with the design and troubleshooting of your automated equipment and industrial controls.
Listen. Analyze. Propose. Listen again. Implement. Document. Follow-up.
Commitment to results
When we work with you, we roll up our sleeves and become your business partner. Our success is measured by the success of your company. That’s why we invest whatever resources are needed to get the job done right and on schedule.
We know the challenges businesses face today. We have extensive experience in the field of industrial controls and automation. We have partners in the fields of mechnical design and equipment installation that we can draw upon for turnkey equipment solutions.
We supply off-the-shelf control packages to serve targeted needs. These packages include:
The Alert+ product family. Using a cellular connection, the Alert+ provides increased assurance that when your equipment requires service, your maintenance personnel will be quickly and properly notified.
The Level+ product family. The Level+ combines level control with state-of-the-art monitoring and notification, also using a cellular connection.
The Ventilation+ product family. Ventilation+ provides logical and predictable control of your facilities ventilation system.
We offer several electrical training courses that can be held at your site.
4-hour Overview of NFPA 70E – The standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
12-hour Basic Electrical Troubleshooting.
Sourses combine both informal lecture and hands-on.
Save time and expense verses off-site training.
Inquire Now
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